I know it has been a while and I feel it is about time for an update on everything going on. Aye?
I can't believe how fast this year is going by!
So, I am going to tell you a little secret! I am setting up (with a friend of mine who is a web designer) a website for general homemaking. I am soo excited how it is turning out and will share it with y'all when it is published. :) It has been months since I started setting it up and it is ALMOST done. *Happy Squeal!*
The weather has been nice and warm...but cool, which is nice, but I am a warm weather all the way y'all. I am a Southern gal at heart....You know that already! ;) But knowing me, I'll end up marrying a true Northern and I'll be stuck up North for the rest my life. Ha! Seriously though, I'll be thankful where ever the Lord places me in life. :) Just...please no Alaska!!! ;)
So I made some yummy muffin recipes lately. I made on of Lemon Curd Blueberry, but don't know where my pictures of them are. :( They looked and tasted amazing! Ohh myy, I am getting hungry just thinking about them! :D
Alright, so I am going to be leaving my Post office janitor job soon. I am happy and sad at the same time. I can't wait to be home, but I'll miss all the friends I have made there! The business I (and my friend who I am co-working with) am working for is putting the business up for bid because the woman who runs it is married with 5 children and with starting homeschooling this year is too much for her. Sounds reasonable though. I am so excited to be home from all the work I had to there in only a couple weeks! I will be able to clean/ organize our home more then!
And, not to mention finally get my school done or at least get more done! I wont get into that though as I get myself upset. God's timing- God's timing. :)

I am researching different places on the benefits of raw milk. I have been drinking it for years and years now and never ever want to go back to that gross, bad for you, processed store bought milk. I pray that when I get married I will be able to bless my family with raw milk (and other healthy, natural products)- the wonders of God's natural and fresh products!!
I need to practice photography shots for my hopefully upcoming session with a newborn....Yes, a NEWBORN! I am so scared about that....What if I make a mistake.....I can't really retake a newborn session....Ugh....PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!! And a lot of Prayer! :)
Here is a photo I got of one of friend's little man at his 6 month session. Isn't he adorable?!??! (And kissable?! ;) )
Ohh, this spring I got a buck kid from a friend that lives in New York, and that has been great! His name is Demi. Here's a picture I got of him.
I am going to be selling this kitty soon. Hoping he goes to a very special home!

I am going to be getting back into practicing guitar playing as well. That's exciting for me too.
We'll see what I'll be able to get done this fast-going year!
God bless you all!! :)
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