Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Photography and some Jib-Jab

No worries, I am still alive! ;)

We spent around two weeks butchering four pigs and bringing their meaty carcases to the 'professional' people (for packaging and such), making scrapple, and all that goes along with it. It was a wonderful time with my family.

My Dad surprised me recently by getting me a Canon Rebel T3 camera!!! I am so happy!

So I guess I might as well share some new ones I took with my camera. :)

All of these are taken by the new camera and not edited, except the last three, which were taken by me with our older camera; those were edited in some way or another.

From top to bottom-- Thunder (my dog), one of our goats, a sunset from our property, fluffy kitten looking up, fluffy kitten yawning, black kitten looking at the camera, Tabitha (my sister) peeling shrimp, Tabitha concentrating on peeling shrimp, Mommy, next two are Tabitha as well, and then the last one is a sunset with Bible verse.  Well, I hope you enjoy them.

Good night everyone and thanks for stopping by again. :D
Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting again. I'm glad you got a real good camera. I LOVE the photos, esp the one of the cat yawning, the one of your mom and the last two. How was your 12-12-12?
    Yeah...peace out everybody!
