I always wonder how I should start my blog updates...
My life has been great lately. School went great this week.
I have my emotional ups and downs (Tell me who doesn't?)
On Monday Tabitha picked up a cake at our local bakery that I ordered for a surprise for Daddy's birthday the weekend before. Man, was it ever YUMMY!
got a lens upgrade. :)
Here is a picture my goat Demi. Handsome fellow
isn't he? Good breeding blood. Teehee (I said Teehee???! I can't stand
when people say that...sounds like immature dumb talk....but yeah I said
that. Ooops!)
Our property looks old...wait it is...built before the Constitution was ratified!!
One of my kittens sleeping together (I can't stand inside photography...never turn out correctly...cute enough though!!
Or we can go for this thistle flower....
"Every rose has it's thorns..."
Young Living Essential oils are amazing! :) That's an obvious
statement but they are such a blessing for my family! (And other
families all around the world!)
I finally got a good amount of letter writing done...only to realize I have a lot more people on my "to write" list!
I always look forward to letters in the mail. So exciting! Always "makes my day" even better!
I got glasses! I am still wondering if I like the look...I look a
little older. Hmm, still getting used to it. What do you think?
Just so you know I am stabbing a marshmallow |
So, there is an update in a nutshell...or more like through the eyes of a lens! ;)
I hope you all have a blessed Lord Day tomorrow! :)
"The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God,
my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my
salvation, and my high tower." ~Psalm 18:2
If you read my blog please let me know and comment below! I'd love to hear from all of you! :D