I am excited about that.
It will give me time to do my personal life things as well. We will be working the time we want to and such. Also, we'll be using only Natural homemade cleaners. Can I get a Yes ma'am? I am so excited!
Today I spent almost 5 hours cleaning a friend's home for a surprise for the guy's wife, since the house was really dirty and they were on vacation and he wanted her to come home to a clean home. It was likely one of the dirtest houses I have ever cleaned....but it was meticulously organized, which was nice...but ohh so dirty! Also, they had all wood floors which is totally me all the way! :D (Even the old skinny dark wood floors type. Yeah! )
So last week I got Flemish Giant Rabbits. I will be building them hutches very soon. Breeding comes in a couple months down the road...crazy!
On top of all this craziness I am going to upgrade my camera lens. If I feel I have enough saved up first. We'll see! But let's not get ahead of myself...
I am also starting up school again. It has been on and off recently. It has been hard readjusting to not cleaning at the PO every day. All is good though! : -)
There is truly nothing like HOME!
As always..God be the GLORY. =)
Peace out.