I was thinking about making homemade soap sometime, but I have read a couple of articles on how to be safe when using Lye/ what happens when you aren't and I have decided to put off until a later time when I have more time and do more research on safety, how to make soap, what I will need, etc.
After a while of thinking about soap making I came across people who made their own lip balms! Now that is something I will likely do!! :D
Looking around I found many many helpful articles and videos on making homemade lip balms.
One of the videos I am including in this blog post.
If anyone has any ideas, places to buy things for making them that has good prices, or *anything* else to share on this topic of making lip balm I would appreciate to know, either comment on this blog post or email me at: knoctuary6@aim.com
(Of course, if you just want to just check in or/and say hi you can email just for that reason! I like getting emails...)
Here is a great video I found on making lip balm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxXWF62Osa4
Goodnight all and God bless!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Goodnight and have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow! (Keeping His day holy.)
Psalm 59:16~"But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble."
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night."~Psalms 92:1-2
"If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words."~Isaiah 58:13
Have a blessed (and holy) Lord's Day tomorrow everyone!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Are the gas prices high enough for ya?
Well, I was going through the news and saw this video. Kind of mind-blowing how fast the prices go up.
(Maybe we should move over to horse and buggies...then we wouldn't have to pay for all the gas...lol, or go anywhere not local! Haha, just kidding.) :P
On another note, this is very serious and not funny when you get down to it.
(Maybe we should move over to horse and buggies...then we wouldn't have to pay for all the gas...lol, or go anywhere not local! Haha, just kidding.) :P
On another note, this is very serious and not funny when you get down to it.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Thoughts on Blueberries
I have been thinking about getting blueberry plants this year,
because my whole family likes blueberries, but they cost a "ton"! I have
heard that you will need two plants per person and since there are four
of us we will need eight. I have a feeling though, that we would have
to grow many more plants: in case we eat all of them and not have enough
to bake, cook, or freeze, or in case some die. I also have to figure out
where on our property would be a good place to grow all of them. I have a
feeling that we will have to fence the plants in due to the chickens,
wild birds, and our Jack Russell Terrier dogs eating all of them. :P Then I
have to figure out what kind I want. I was going through a fruit and
veggie, etc. catalog and there were so many different kinds of blueberries to choose from, but I am
sure I will find one that suites me well.
Today I spoke with a wonderful woman that I know on the phone and she said that blueberry plants take seven years to get full grown!
Then she said, "You might not still be there in seven years, though."
I answered, "I was thinking the same thing! haha!"
Then she stated, "You know, your father (and mother) would enjoy them! You could grow them and always come by once in a while to pick them. That way you can visit him and your mother often and pick berries while you are at it."
I answer: "You know what, I like that idea!!"
So after talking with her, I think I will do just that, plant them and pick them when I can and if I am married by/in seven years then I can go over and pick them!...Yeahh!! :D
Today I spoke with a wonderful woman that I know on the phone and she said that blueberry plants take seven years to get full grown!
Then she said, "You might not still be there in seven years, though."
I answered, "I was thinking the same thing! haha!"
Then she stated, "You know, your father (and mother) would enjoy them! You could grow them and always come by once in a while to pick them. That way you can visit him and your mother often and pick berries while you are at it."
I answer: "You know what, I like that idea!!"
So after talking with her, I think I will do just that, plant them and pick them when I can and if I am married by/in seven years then I can go over and pick them!...Yeahh!! :D
Thursday, February 16, 2012
What is Calvinism?
I figured that since I have started this blog I might as well let you know that I am Calvinistic. I usually call myself a Covenanter or Reformed Presbyterian because when we call ourselves "Calvinists", people, a lot of times, automatically think that Calvin was like our Saviour or that he was who we follow instead of Christ, or something like that. Well, here is a good article on what a Calvinist is and what they believe. I hope it is a blessing!
Click here for the site I got this article from.
Feel free to go through the website and read things in it. It is a wonderful site! :D
Click here for the site I got this article from.
Feel free to go through the website and read things in it. It is a wonderful site! :D
"The term "Calvinism" is used by various groups to identify
their beliefs with one of the most prominent leaders of the
reformation, John Calvin. Groups that call themselves "Calvinists" agree
with the teachings of Calvin in varying degrees: from holding simply
to the "five points of Calvinism" (regarding man's salvation by the
grace of God) to adhering to the teachings of Calvin not only in
matters of man's salvation but also in matters relating to how we
should worship God, how we should live the Christian Life, and what
sort of government and order should be used in God's Church. Those who
do so, do not do so because they would follow the teachings of men, but
because they believe these teachings, revived at the time of the
reformation in Switzerland, the Netherlands, other countries, and
especially Scotland, were in truth the teachings of the Prophets,
Apostles, and Christ himself, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures,
though for the most part hidden for many centuries under the erroneous
teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
"Five Points of Calvinism" were not formulated by Calvin, but rather
by the Synod of Dort in 1618-1619, which was a gathering of many great
leaders and teachers of the reformed churches throughout Europe. This
Synod, in response to the heresies of James Arminius, then spreading
throughout the Dutch churches, released "The Canons of Dort," which
addressed five major doctrines then in dispute. Since then these
doctrines, as asserted at Dort, have been summarized and labeled as the
"Five Points of Calvinism." Although Calvin himself never set forth
such a system of five points, these teachings are a compendium of what
John Calvin and others (such as Martin Luther, Augustine, the Apostle
Paul, & Christ himself) taught regarding salvation and are all
founded on the holy Scriptures. Often the "Five Points" are referred to
as "TULIP":
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
Depravity" refers to the doctrine that, man in his fallen nature is
wholly fallen,—he is "flesh". It does not mean that man is as wicked as
he could possibly be, but that he is corrupted and wicked in every
member of his body and every faculty of his soul. Not only his body is
inclined to sin, but his understanding is darkened, he is blinded in his
mind, and his will is inclined to sin. Because his will is inclined to
sin, even it is in rebellion against God. Man therefore does not have a
"free-will" to do good or evil as he pleases, the way that he did
before the fall, because he DOES NOT will to will good. To assert that a
sinful will is free to will good is to assert that it is able to will
not to will what it does in fact will. Therefore, being in rebellion,
and not being inclined to turn from that hatred against God to love to
God, man can only be restored by being reborn by the spirit of God as a
new creature. Thus, man is in need of salvation not only from the wrath
of God due for the sins he is guilty of, but is also in need of being
saved from his own sinfulness and rebellion. "There is none that
seeketh after God." (See Romans 3, John 8:34.)
Election" is the doctrine that man's salvation flows completely from
God's grace—it is not conditioned upon man's good works or faith, but
is wholly unmerited. The fact that some persons are saved and that
others are not, together with the fact that God is the one that does
the saving and that he in his infiniteness is able to save all, clearly
indicates that God chooses to save some and not to save others. The
Bible refers to this often by the term "Election". Thus his people,
both in the Old and the New Testament are called his "Elect". The Bible
presents this election as part of God's eternal decree, wherein he
chooses whom he will save before all time (Eph. 1, 2 Thes. 2.13...) The
Bible also teaches that God does not choose BECAUSE of anything in us
or anything that we do (or will do), but rather he chooses according to
his own good pleasure. God did not look into the future to see what
man would do or what man would believe, but fixed what He would do with
HIS creation before anything was even created. Thus, "it is not of him
that wills, or of him that runs, but of God who showeth mercy." Paul
in Romans 9 clearly indicates this when he discusses the fact that
mercy was shown to Jacob and not to Esau so that the purpose of God
according to election might stand. At the same time he insists that the
decision of election was made before either of the brothers had done
any good or evil.
. (Rom. 5.8-9, John
6.35-40, 10.11, 14-18, 24-29.). He has not died to make salvation
possible for all so that those who will choose by their own "free will"
(which none have since the fall into Sin) to improve upon what he has
done may be saved, but he has completely perfected salvation for his
people. He is the good shepherd who gave his life for "Limited
Atonement" is the doctrine that Christ has died for all those who have
been elected to Eternal Life in Christ Jesus and that all those for
whom Christ has died have been perfectly atoned for. Their ransom is
complete. The debt of their sins has been paid off. By the blood of
Christ the forgiveness of their sins has been purchased, as well as the
gift of the Spirit, which works in them faith and repentance unto
life, whereby that purchased forgiveness and the righteousness of
Christ are made theirs as they through faith rest in Jesus Christ and
his work of Redemption. Salvation has been fully accomplished by Jesus
Christ for his people and
Grace" is the doctrine that Christ has sent his Spirit to effectually
apply salvation to his flock. Man may resist the "common operations" of
the spirit such as convictions of conscience, but the Irresistible
Grace of God is the powerful working of his Spirit whereby he does
always effect without failure the conversion of his elect from being
sinners, fallen with the rest of the seed of Adam, to being saints, the
seed of Christ the Second Adam. This work of Irresistible Grace is
referred to as the Birth of the New Man. Christ refers to it as being
"Born of the Spirit" (John 3) and thus teaches that Conversion is just
as much a Divine work as Creation, and that, as "Spirit is born of
Spirit", so no unconverted man (who is "Flesh") can do anything to
Convert himself into a Spiritual man. "No man can come to me, except
the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the
last day. It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught
of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the
Father, cometh unto me."—John 6:44, 45.
of the Saints" is the doctrine that, as God changes a man's soul in
His effectual calling by irresistible grace, and not just the man's
outward life, so those who are truly saints, being given the Spirit of
God to work in them "to will and to do according to his good pleasure"
(Phil. 2.13) are turned away from their sins and do advance in
mortification of sins and vivification of the new man, continuing all
their days in the faith. And although they may fall into sin at times
as the "Flesh lusteth against the Spirit," yet God by his grace does
continue to uphold them and gives them repentance and forgiveness
whenever they fall so that they never finally and totally fall away
from the faith. This doctrine of the Bible is contrary to the teaching
that man can fall away from the faith and "lose his salvation," for it
affirms God's infinite power to accomplish his will in saving his
people so that "he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it
until the day of Jesus Christ" who is not only the author but also
"finisher of our faith." This is also contrary to the antinomian
(anti-law) teaching of "eternal security" which teaches once a man
"accepts Jesus as his personal saviour" he will never go to hell, even
if he lives like the devil himself. Instead, Calvinism teaches that a
man who is truly saved, and so united to Christ in faith, is united
through the Spirit of Love dwelling in him and so, out of love to God,
is compelled to live a life of loving obedience to his heavenly Father.
regard to worship this principle of obedience out of love controls the
way the Christian worships formally as well as how he lives a life of
constant worship in subjecting his every act and every daily task to
the will of God. His worship is both in "Spirit and in Truth." It is
spiritual in that the whole man, body and soul, is involved in the
praise, thanksgiving, and service of God. He does not merely worship
God with his hands and mouth, but loves him with all his heart, mind,
soul, and strength so that the service of God is not grievous but is
considered his chief end and greatest good. It is true worship in that
it is such worship as God has instituted and authorized as his service.
It is not like the false worship of those who worship God through
their own invented ceremonies and practices, thinking that God is well
pleased with a fair show or that God benefits from what they do.
Rather, this true worship confesses in humility that God has no need of
us, while we are completely in need of him for life and salvation.
Thus we must set aside all thoughts of pleasing God by our own works
while at the same time not setting aside those works which God has
commanded us. When we have done "all those things that are commanded
us," we must yet confess that we are "unprofitable servants" (Luke
17.10) for we have merely done "that which was our duty to do"—if that.
God's Command then, becomes the rule of service to God, whether it be
in worship, or in our other duties. The True Christian not only obeys
and loves the Gospel, or the "Testimony" but also the "Law" as David
speaks of in Psalm 119. See Isaiah 8.20.
worship this strict adherence to God's Law is called the "Regulative
Principle of Worship." Stated simply, a true Christian believes that he
must worship God in whatsoever way God has commanded, and that all
other worship without God's command is idolatrous. Thus Nadab and Abihu
were slain by the Lord for offering up "STRANGE fire" to the Lord.
Thus Christ condemned the traditions of the Pharisees which they
adhered to without God's command. Deuteronomy 12:32 states "What thing
soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor
diminish from it." It is the prerogative only of our high priest Jesus
Christ to institute such worship as is acceptable unto him and
whosoever shall presume to either take away from or add to his service
usurps his office and so "opposeth and exalteth himself above all that
is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the
temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thes. 2.4.
description of an idolatrous usurper of Christ's Kingly, Priestly, and
Prophetical office has particular application to Antichrist.
Antichrist is the man that overthrows God's worship by instituting his
own ceremonies and overthrows the Gospel of Salvation by Christ alone
by propagating a gospel of salvation by man's merit. In time this has
been fulfilled by the Pope of Rome who has arrogantly presumed to make
himself the "head of the Church," "God on earth," and "the high priest
of the Church of God."
, as opposed to
the false unity that is found in the world among unbelievers.Instead of
an hierarchy of priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and pope,
the true Christian Church endeavors to preserve the ancient form of
Church government taught in the Bible with officers of teaching and
ruling elders or "presbyters," none of which are to exercise dominion
over the others (Matt. 20.25-26). Individual congregations are
interrelated as local presbyteries, regional synods, and national
general assemblies so that the Church is united in the
All this we patiently expect in accordance with the purpose of God,
knowing that He will bless the endeavors of his Church to bring this to
pass, as he has promised, and in his own time. Calvinists (or
Presbyterians, or Reformed Christians) hope that the world will be
subdued to the government of Christ, that the fullness of the Gentiles
and the Jews as well might be grafted into the body of Christ by faith,
and that the reign of Antichrist in this world both in Church and in
State may be overturned to the end that all creation may serve and
glorify God as he exercises his power and authority over All things are
to be done and believed in accordance with God's word. By the preaching
of the true Gospel of
Often today
Calvinism is opposed because it teaches the "harsh" doctrine of
predestination. This however is taught because it is taught in the
Bible and because it is the root of the Gospel. Predestination to
salvation according to the good pleasure of God is that which assures
the believer that he may truly rest in God's grace in Christ Jesus as
sufficient to save him from all his sins. None who are predestinated to
destruction shall ever be damned on account of anything but their
sins. Likewise none that are predestinated to glory shall ever be saved
on account of anything but the active and passive obedience of Christ
alone. Christ's blood has purchased and so secured salvation for God's
elect. But, for those whom God has made to be to the glory of his
Justice, to them the wages of sin is death, and they have purchased
their eternal death and destruction in hell by a multitude of sins
against an infinitely holy, just, and gracious God. Those who are saved
know that it is only of God's free grace that any are saved, as he is
obliged to save none from their sins, all which are against him—and so
they rejoice in their salvation with hope and great thanksgiving,
holding the Gospel of Grace as a precious treasure in their hearts, and
the cause of all true joy in their life. This is the Christian's joy.
This is the Christian's hope.
simply, "Calvinism" is Biblical Christianity in both its purity and
fullness. Those who dissent from this, do not hold to the Christianity
of the Bible. May the LORD hasten the day when all of the dissenters
from Christ's Church shall be granted repentance unto life and saving
faith by the grace of God, and so be turned into the right way. This he
has promised:
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth:
In that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
—Zech. 14:9."
Is parental consent really important when marriage is considered?
Let's start with this:
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."~ Genesis 2:24
Matthew Henry:
"See here how great the virtue of a divine ordinance is; the bonds of it are stronger even than those of nature. To whom can we be more firmly bound than the fathers that begat us and the mothers that bore us? Yet the son must quit them, to be joined to his wife, and the daughter forget them, to cleave to her husband, (Psalm 45:10-Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house & Psalm 45:11-So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.) See how necessary it is that children should take their parents’ consent along with them in their marriage, and how unjust those are to their parents, as well as undutiful, who marry without it; for they rob them of their right to them, and interest in them, and alienate it to another, fraudulently and unnaturally. See what need there is both of prudence and prayer in the choice of this relation, which is so near and so lasting. That had need be well done which is to be done for life. See how firm the bond of marriage is, not to be divided and weakened by having many wives (Mal. 2:15-And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. ) nor to be broken or cut off by divorce, for any cause but fornication, or voluntary desertion. 5. See how dear the affection ought to be between husband and wife, such as there is to our own bodies, (Ephesians 5:28-So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies"
John Calvin:
"The sum of the whole is, that among the offices pertaining to human society, this is the principal, and as it were the most sacred, that a man should cleave unto his wife. And he amplifies this by a superadded comparison, that the husband ought to prefer his wife to his father. But the father is said to be left not because marriage severs sons from their fathers, or dispenses with other ties of nature, for in this way God would be acting contrary to himself. While, however, the piety of the son towards his father is to be most assiduously cultivated and ought in itself to be deemed inviolable and sacred, yet Moses so speaks of marriage as to show that it is less lawful to desert a wife than parents. Therefore, they who, for slight causes, rashly allow of divorces, violate, in one single particular, all the laws of nature, and reduce them to nothing. If we should make it a point of conscience not to separate a father from his son, it is a still greater wickedness to dissolve the bond which God has preferred to all others."
It seems to me, that people today don't want to have their parent's advice/encouragement when marriage is considered, hence the reason I put this blog post up.
I have read somewhere about when parents pick someone out for you and you don't like the person that you try to love them, but if you really don't like the person than you ask your parents politely to find someone else...
But if you have found someone it is always best to ask you parents their advice/encouragement/what they think of so and so, what virtues need to be worked on (for both people), ask for their blessing, have their consent, and other important things parents should share.
This being said, I still believe both the male and female need to have a say into the marriage, but they need and I repeat NEED to have parental consent, blessing, advice, etc. when they consider these things.
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."~ Genesis 2:24
Matthew Henry:
"See here how great the virtue of a divine ordinance is; the bonds of it are stronger even than those of nature. To whom can we be more firmly bound than the fathers that begat us and the mothers that bore us? Yet the son must quit them, to be joined to his wife, and the daughter forget them, to cleave to her husband, (Psalm 45:10-Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house & Psalm 45:11-So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.) See how necessary it is that children should take their parents’ consent along with them in their marriage, and how unjust those are to their parents, as well as undutiful, who marry without it; for they rob them of their right to them, and interest in them, and alienate it to another, fraudulently and unnaturally. See what need there is both of prudence and prayer in the choice of this relation, which is so near and so lasting. That had need be well done which is to be done for life. See how firm the bond of marriage is, not to be divided and weakened by having many wives (Mal. 2:15-And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. ) nor to be broken or cut off by divorce, for any cause but fornication, or voluntary desertion. 5. See how dear the affection ought to be between husband and wife, such as there is to our own bodies, (Ephesians 5:28-So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies"
John Calvin:
"The sum of the whole is, that among the offices pertaining to human society, this is the principal, and as it were the most sacred, that a man should cleave unto his wife. And he amplifies this by a superadded comparison, that the husband ought to prefer his wife to his father. But the father is said to be left not because marriage severs sons from their fathers, or dispenses with other ties of nature, for in this way God would be acting contrary to himself. While, however, the piety of the son towards his father is to be most assiduously cultivated and ought in itself to be deemed inviolable and sacred, yet Moses so speaks of marriage as to show that it is less lawful to desert a wife than parents. Therefore, they who, for slight causes, rashly allow of divorces, violate, in one single particular, all the laws of nature, and reduce them to nothing. If we should make it a point of conscience not to separate a father from his son, it is a still greater wickedness to dissolve the bond which God has preferred to all others."
It seems to me, that people today don't want to have their parent's advice/encouragement when marriage is considered, hence the reason I put this blog post up.
I have read somewhere about when parents pick someone out for you and you don't like the person that you try to love them, but if you really don't like the person than you ask your parents politely to find someone else...
But if you have found someone it is always best to ask you parents their advice/encouragement/what they think of so and so, what virtues need to be worked on (for both people), ask for their blessing, have their consent, and other important things parents should share.
This being said, I still believe both the male and female need to have a say into the marriage, but they need and I repeat NEED to have parental consent, blessing, advice, etc. when they consider these things.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Is housekeeping rewarding?
I was going through some of my old Facebook notes and I saw a note on "Housekeeping". After reading it, I thought I should share it with y'all. (Quote below)
It is such a joy to have your home be clean and orderly. As well as the freshness that remains when you finish. :)
For example, if you have a huge pile of dishes, you might look at them and think how long it will take, but when you are done...Oh! What joy to have them done, the counters clean, and the satisfaction when the job is accomplished is, in my opinion, enough in itself for how long or how hard it was!
![]() |
A Farmer's Wife Sweeping: 1867 painted byJean François Millet |
~ Cheryl Mendelson, Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House, page 10.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The meaning behind my blog name
First of all, my blog name comes from the Bible, Matthew 10:16, to be exact: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
That verse is so true, especially in today's modern unfaithful world.
Matthew 7:15~"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
false prophets (Pastors) today seem nice, friendly, and ready to help,
but when you really need their help they tear you down to the "dust" so
to speak.
If you oppose what they do, they attack you from all sides looking to destroy and "conquer" you. "If
they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily
for the innocent without cause: Let us swallow them up alive as the
grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit: We shall find all
precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: Cast in thy lot
among us; let us all have one purse: My son, walk not thou in the way
with them; refrain thy foot from their path..."~Proverbs 1: 11-17
We know that God will bring us through, He will lift us up and keep us safe. "But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil."~Proverbs 1:33. Psalm 16:1~ "Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust."
So we should be as these verses state: "Trust
in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from
evil."~Proverbs 3:5-7
Which brings to my mind about the many trials that Job went through, "In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly."~Job 1:22
went through so many trials, but he still trusted in God! How much more
should we, who have less trials and tribulations, trust God with all
our heart, soul, mind, and strength. God will help us through anything
that comes upon us. He will never gives us too much to bear!
(The below song I thought was a good one for this blog post; the video is nice too.)
May the Lord bless you even through all your trials and tribulations.
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